"When the rich wage war , it's the poor who suffer"

This initiative to spread the message of the severity of poverty in third world nations / LEDCs is not just any educational package. To us , it was a chance to do something , something impactful , perhaps something that could not only enlighten, but also alleviate - alleviate the plight of the poor , while informing the world. While some may consider this website insignificant, or that its ability to reach out to the masses is largely constrained due to the nature of the webpage and  given the background of its administrators,  it is still a small step to solving one of the greatest problems faced in the twenty first century. 

In our opinion, the world's take on poverty is ironic. While this plague of mankind has existed since the 19th century, maybe even earlier , no government is taking any measures to salvage the situation. Already, more than 5 million children around the globe suffer from diet-related diseases and are starving , yet aid offered to these poor children is but limited to the missions, charity organizations , sympathetic volunteers , and those who command vast wealth and have a compassionate heart to do so. We must realize that these third world nations/LEDCs do not have the financial capability , the manpower , the will or the support to do so. In Africa , millions are suffering from disease and hunger, yet the government  can only sit by and remain as desperate as ever (though this is not the case per se). 

Given that the worst-felt repercussions of the global financial crisis are far from over , there is an ominous shadow cast upon the social stability and the current situation in these LEDCs. All the more should we, the more fortunate, lend a helping hand. Think about it. While we worry about losing our jobs,  getting our pay/allowances cut or about the upcoming exams ,  those in such third world nations worry about their survival everyday - food , shelter , water , health are of their utmost concern. A recent world poverty survey conducted by the UN revealed rather appalling facts - while we enjoy the luxury of having japanese dining or western grill at that, those in third world nations have barely enough to sustain themselves*. 

Unlike major striking events that left a huge impact on man's history i.e. the two world wars , Cuban missile crisis etc. , poverty has plagued mankind for such a prolonged period of time,  yet it is the least addressed problem by international bodies/organisations. While the politicians of the world continue to hold conferences and debates , the poor suffer in silence. As said , actions speak louder than words. Act , before it is too late       - Poverty@large